• cco.ukasb@gmail.com
  • University of Kentucky

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Hunger and Homelessness Awareness
Participants work with organizations that seeks to end poverty by addressing its root causes through programs such as the provision of basic need items, workforce development, wraparound support, and neighborhood revitalization.

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Environmental Sustainability

Participants will be working with an environmental conservation organization that seeks to mobilize their community to care for local greenspaces, parks, and waterways. Tasks include: planting trees, cleaning up waterways, removing litter from roadsides, and/or greenspace maintenance.

Disaster Recovery
Participants will be working with an organization that provides relief to areas that have been ravished by natural disasters by rebuilding homes, supporting homeowners, and advocating for national recovery efforts that are equitable and efficient.

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We Have The Power Today To Change Tomorrow!

UK ASB is a student-run program at the University of Kentucky. We provide students with the opportunity to continue on their journey to active citizenship through service immersion experiences during academic breaks. We offer a wide variety of trips focusing on specific social issues that impact local, national, and international populations.

Next Trips

Learn about our next trips and when to apply!

Pine Mountain Settlement School

Enrich people and enhance lives through Appalachian place-based education for all ages. They have a community garden called Grow Appalachia, where we will help with the farm, feed animals, pick fruits and vegetables. There are a variety of classes and workshops related to crafting, music, storytelling, ceramic pottery studio, banjo lessons etc.

New American Pathways

An Atlanta based nonprofit with the mission of Helping Refugees and Georgia Thrive. Learn about refugee education, civic engagement, immigration, help individuals fill out medicare forms. Volunteer at after school program at elementary/middle schools where participants will be working with kids.

Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center

Experiential learning of Earth Literacy based on the cornerstones of community, sustainability and spirituality. Service-learning projects such as organic gardening, trail work, creek cleanup, possible natural building projects. Visit Memorial Wildflower Garden, Meditation Labyrinth and Natural Burial Preserve

Habitat for Humanity

Brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Tasks include framing, roofing, drywall installation, siding, painting, building sheds, trim work, minor repairs and more.

Help Us Now

You can Impact the community too!

You can become a site leader, executive team member and/or a participant to make a change during your break or academic year.

Volunteer Hours
Education orientation and Training Hours